Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Artist Klaudia

Klaudia was inspired by the
Ainslie Wood Carnival
and created this
mask at home.
Well done Klaudia!!!!!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Year 3 - Chinese New Year
15 Year 3 children were helped by students
from Rushcroft to make Chinese New Year cards!

Harry looks determined to make his the best it can be!

The finished cards looked spectacular! The children used lots of different materials to make their cards look as colourful and as appealing as possible!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Carnival fortnight

The Carnival has arrived at Ainslie Wood!!!
Over 2 weeks each phase will be exploring carnivals from around the world.
Blue Phase are looking at Trinidad.
Green Phase are focusing on China.
Red Phase have chosen Brazil.
Yellow Phase are focusing on Canada.

Each phase is preparing for the Carnival Parade on Friday 18th January.

One of the activities we have been doing with Swoosh is drumming!!
Everyone had a go and really enjoyed it.